Tag Archives: profit

Maximizing Your Business Through This Blog

How the SimpleBooks Blog Plans to Help Improve Your Business

The purpose of this blog post is to give you an idea of what to expect from my new blog and for you to tell me what you would like to see.  I will outline the types of blog posts that I plan to write and would like for you to respond on what things interest you and what things might not interest you.  This blog is not going to be about me but I want to offer help to you in the areas I am able.


Photo Copyright: kvkirillov / 123RF Stock Photo

I would like to start off telling you a little about myself.  I have worked in the financial industry for 10 years as a Commercial Banker after getting my Finance degree from a local college and my MBA from Auburn University (War Eagle!).  I have learned over the course of the last 10 years that my passion is helping small businesses maximize their business through understanding their own financial information.  In those 10 years I have encountered numerous small businesses who did not know where they where financially until their accountant did their tax returns.  These were solid businesses and their owners/mangers knew what they were doing but having, understanding, and using their financial information will help them maximize their business purpose.

For this reason I have started SimpleBooks LLC.  I hope through my bookkeeping/consulting business to help businesses excel.  I also want to provide free content to help businesses that I do not work with on a regular basis to also excel.  My goal is to help empower small businesses to maximize their profits through understanding their financials.

Now that you understand my goal, I will explain what I am planning on doing with this blog.  I will post at least once a week to provide you with information and training to help you maximize your business.  I have the following categories which I plan to rotate through.

1. Financial Training: Articles that outline how small businesses can utilize their financial information to improve profitability.  This will help you understand some of the basics of your financials to more complex ratios.  When we look at financial information, we are looking at historical information but understanding how your decisions affect your financials is key to increasing profitability.

2. Book Reviews: Once a month, I will review the latest book that I went through and how it was helpful to me.  This will not strictly be a financial book as the first one will be on marketing and the second that I am currently working on is about our personal energy levels.

3. Podcast: I plan to have a podcast going through various financial information to give those who would prefer an audio or video format over a written format.  The content will be similar to the financial training articles but a different format.  I am still in the planning stage so it may be a month or two before I am able to launch the podcasts.

As I mentioned, I want feedback from those who invest their time in reading and listening to the content I provide and therefore will adjust as you recommend.  Please leave comments below on what you like/don’t like about the concept of this blog and what else you would like to see.

Why subscribe to my blog when there are so many other blogs out there?  I agree that there are a lot of other great blogs, and I subscribe to a lot of them and understand that it is tough to take in all the great content on the internet.  But there is a need for us small business owners to focus more on the financial side of our business because ultimately that is how we make money.  This is often something that does not peak your attention which is precisely the reason why I created SimpleBooks LLC.  We can do all the data entry work for you and then meet with you to explain the financial information and we can have the interesting conversations of how your decisions will affect your profitability, advising you on different ideas to improve your business.  This blog is a free way to utilize some of our knowledge base to help you improve your profitability, and who doesn’t want to increase their profitability?

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